لقاء مع ماما نوال الدجوى رئيسة أمناء جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والاداب فى برنامج 30 دقيقة مع امل مسعود تتحدث فيه عن المشاكل التى تواجه التعليم فى مصر وتطرح افضل وايسر الطرق لحلها. وذلك يوم السبت الموافق 26 يوليو 2014 فى تمام الساعة العاشرة مساءا بإذاعة الشرق الاوسط تردد : 89.5 اف إم
Stay tuned! Mama Nawal, Head of the board of trustees of MSA University, will be hosted by "an hour with Amal Masoud" show . She will speak about the challenges of education in Egypt and propose the best and easiest solutions to overcome them. Tomorrow sat 26/7 at 10:05 on Al Sharq AlAwsat radio station, 89.5FM
Stay tuned! Mama Nawal, Head of the board of trustees of MSA University, will be hosted by "an hour with Amal Masoud" show . She will speak about the challenges of education in Egypt and propose the best and easiest solutions to overcome them. Tomorrow sat 26/7 at 10:05 on Al Sharq AlAwsat radio station, 89.5FM