Education & School Policy

Dar El tarbiah Schools - IGCSE Education & School Policy

School attendance and punctuality School policy:

  • Cell phones are not allowed to be on for any reason during the school day.
  • Cell phones in use will be confiscated and parents will be contacted..
  • In cases of habitual tardiness ( arrival after 8.15 AM) , an appropriate administrative discussion will take place to remedy the problem with the students

Behavior Policy

Students are expected to be responsible for their own behavior. They should have respect for themselves, respect for others and also for the environment in which they work. This will be shown by high standards of behavior, effort, punctuality, classwork, homework, organization, attendance and uniform. Where a student's behavior does meet with expectations, this should receive a positive comment.


Students should always write homework in their planner and include the deadline by which the work has to be handed in. Parents/carers/guardians should sign the planner each week to show that they have seen it. Parents/carers/guardians are encouraged to contact the school if it appears that homework is not being set. All homework must be completed by the due deadline.

If homework is not completed:

  • parents/carers/guardians may use the Student Planner to write an explanation if there is a good reason why a child was unable to complete their homework.
  • the teacher should be told before or at the beginning of the lesson.
  • the teacher may record non-completion of work in the Student Planner so that parents/carers/guardians may see it.

Uniform and Appearance

All students are expected to wear correct school uniform as it plays an important part in establishing a community spirit and also encourages students to take a personal pride in their own appearance. They are expected to wear it on the way to and on the way from school each day.

Requiring students to wear school uniform emphasizes our belief in the identity of the school. It also underlines the importance of being neat and tidy in all aspects of school life. We would remind parents that extremes of fashion are inappropriate to a school environment. Pupils not dressed in the correct uniform will either be sent home to change, or will work separately from other pupils for the rest of the day.

The school places great importance on uniform, and we look to the support of parents to ensure that our rules are followed.

  • Our uniform is a blue polo shirt and beige trousers for boys and girls.
  • Open shoes or sabots may not be worn at school.
  • Girls with long hair must have it tied back.
  • Jewelry may not be worn with the uniform.
  • The winter uniform has long trousers and a dark blue sweatshirt and sweater with the same color.
  • Physical Education (P.E.) uniform is required for all sports activities.


Read 6864 times Last modified on Saturday, 23 November 2013 17:35