Authentic Statements

Dar El tarbiah Schools - Authentic Statements

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 5 Oct., 1999

From: J E Jones, Regional Director - The Middle East and Africa, Cambridge International Examiners
To Mr. David Marlr OBE, Representative, The British Council, copied to Dr. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

"I would like you to take particular note of the remarkable performance of candidates from Dar El Tarbiah. The first candidates from Dar El Tarbiah took the IGCSE soon after its introduction into Egypt in 1991, and since then the School has made a major contribution to the development of the IGCSE In Egypt.

With more than 900 candidates, the School is the largest in the world offering Cambridge Examiners and is well known in Cambridge for its remarkable results in all subjects. The students from Dar El Tarbiah are amongst the very best IGCSE students in the world. Evidence of their excellence is certainly not hard to find, and the following observations clearly indicate their remarkable achievements.” (Please refer to the evidences attached to this report) “As you can see, the performance of the Dar El Tarbiah students is remarkable by all standards.

It is hardly surprising that the IGCSE candidates from the School have been so successful at winning places at the universities, and all the evidence is that they continue to do very welt after they haw left the School.”

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 23March, 1998

From: G. N. Lacey, Officer in charge or IGCSE
To Mrs. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

Of the 423 candidates from Dar El Tarbiah who attempted either AS or Alevel Mathematics, 185 (44%) were awarded grade A, the highest grade.” More than half of the 376 candidates for IGCSE were awarded 15either A* or A.”

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 25 March 1996

From: J E Jones, Regional Director - The Middle East and Africa, Cambridge International Examiners
To Mrs. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

“In IGCSE Physics, 16.7% of the Dar El Tarbiah candidates were awarded grade A*.” “In A Level Mathematics, 65 of the 78 candidates (83.3%) were awarded grade A which is the highest possible grade. in IGCSE Accounting, there were 410 candidates from 15 different countries, and the highest mark was scored by a candidate from Dar El Tarbiah.” “In IGCSE Mathematics, one candidate from the School was only 2 marks short of full marks. There were over 8000 candidates and only one candidate did better.”

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 19 Sept. 1994 

From: From J E Jones, Manager - Centre Services Group
To Magda Moliy EI Din - Examination Manager, The British Council
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

"For the first time in 1994, UCLES awarded the Grade A* (the 'starred’ A (grade), a grade reserved for only the very best candidates. In the UK and the rest of the world, only about 3% of candidates were awarded this top grade, but in Dar El Tarbiah, the grade was awarded to many more than this. In computer studies, for example, almost 25% of the candidates were graded A*, and in Physics 185 out of the 26 Dar El Tarbiah students (43%) were awarded A* or A. This is a remarkable achievement.” "The standard of mathematics teaching in the School and the achievement of the candidates must be as good as anywhere in the world.” “I have studied the results very carefully, and there are many examples of outstanding achievement amongst the Dar El Tarbiah 16

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 22 Dec. 1993.

From: Greg Lacey
To Mrs. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

"For nearly 80% of your candidates to achieve grade A in the AS mathematics examination was a truly wonderful result, and I am most pleased to be able to acknowledge the successes of Egyptian students in our examinations.”

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 18 Sept 1992. 

From: G. N. Lacey, Officer in charge or IGCSE
To Mrs. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

"and your results certainly bear comparison with almost any IGCSE school in the world"

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
Dated: 18 Sept 1992.

From: G. N. Lacey, Officer in charge or IGCSE
To Mrs. Nawal El Degwi
Occasion: Dar El Tarbiah Outstanding Performance

I had noticed the truly outstanding results achieved by your students in IGCSE Chemistry over 50% of your candidates to achieve grade A
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