
We are Pioneers and Leaders Among Regionally Accredited IGCSE Schools in Egypt.

Dar El Tarbiah IGCSE Schools is a nationally and regionally accredited online high school recognized by two major accrediting organizations. This certifies that our school delivers the promise of a top quality education that meets the highest established standards for high schools nationwide.
Accreditation is a mark of excellence. Importantly, earning a diploma from a leader among regionally accredited online high schools assures that your education will be accepted by colleges and prospective employers.

The Cambridge IGCSE

The Cambridge IGCSE is the world's most popular international qualification for 14–16 year olds. It develops successful students, giving them excellent preparation for their next steps in education, including progression to A/AS Level study, and equips them with skills for immediate employment. Cambridge IGCSE is also recognised by universities and employers worldwide.

Edexcel Certificate

Pearson Education Limited (Pearson) is the UK's largest awarding organisation, offering academic and vocational qualifications and training to schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and internationally.
Our academic qualifications include Edexcel GCSE, Edexcel GCE (A level) and Edexcel International GCSE (The Edexcel Certificate for UK state schools).

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Read 6754 times Last modified on Saturday, 23 November 2013 23:40