School Admin

School Admin

Wednesday, 19 July 2017 22:31

IG Zamalek - Jan 2018 Courses

IG Zamalek - Jan 2018 Courses
Saturday, 15 July 2017 21:09

IG Zamalek - Summer Courses 2017

IG Zamalek - Summer Courses (November 2017)

Under the patronage of Dr Nawal El-Degwi and Dr Mona El-Degwi, The Graduation Ceremony Class of 2017 was held on the 22nd of June 2017 at MSA University and was attended by School Teachers and Students' Parents, The Ceremony included a number of beautiful songs and speeches performed by students.

Congratulations Class of 2017

Bright future ahead

** Click on the Photo to view Album **

Dar El Tarbiah School is the first Egyptian English-language educational institution founded in 1958 by Dr. Nawal El Degwi, and became licensed as a "British," system school, providing quality education in the IGCSE (British) Curriculum science 1970.

Dar El Tarbiah is not only a Name for a School

But a Motto in Action





IG Zamalek - Edexcel English Listening Exam Instructions 2017
IG Zamalek - Edexcel English Listening Exam Instructions 2017

هذا العمل الرائع تقبع خلفه سيدة جليلة آمنت برسالتها، وصنعت من أحلامها منارة للعلم والفكر والثقافة، وتلك الرسالة العظيمة تقف خلفها ماما نوال الدجوى التي هي بحق أحد أعمدة التعليم المتميز في مصر، والإنسانة التي حفرت اسمها بحروف من نور، وعرفت كيف تجعل من التعليم متعة واستمتاعا، وكيف تبني طفلا يتمتع بشخصية واثقة مبدعة واعية بقضايا الوطن والعالم


لقراءة مقال لقاء مع الكاتبة الصحفية / أمال عثمان رئيس تحرير أخبار اليوم






Under the patronage of Dr Nawal El-Degwi and Dr Mona El-Degwi , the 5th Forum of Arts was held on the 22nd of May 2017,The cultural and arts forum included a display of paintings inspired by nature reflecting the innovation of the Almighty God.

This forum renders the talented students of Dar El Tarbiah the opportunity to study in detail the elements of nature and to apply this in real practice adopting the different schools of drawing such as the classical, the expressionist, and the cubism.

Dar El Tarbiah has always sought to explore and cherish the artistic talents of students to upgraded their skills aiming to reach the professional stage.

It was really a pleasure seeing you all.