Friday, 25 July 2014 17:02

Mama Nawal El Degwi will be the guest at the radio program Featured

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PreIG Agouza - PreIG Zamalek@Gezira Art Center
لقاء مع ماما نوال الدجوى رئيسة أمناء جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والاداب فى برنامج 30 دقيقة مع امل مسعود تتحدث فيه عن المشاكل التى تواجه التعليم فى مصر وتطرح افضل وايسر الطرق لحلها. وذلك يوم السبت الموافق 26 يوليو 2014 فى تمام الساعة العاشرة مساءا بإذاعة الشرق الاوسط تردد : 89.5 اف إم

Stay tuned! Mama Nawal, Head of the board of trustees of MSA University, will be hosted by "an hour with Amal Masoud" show . She will speak about the challenges of education in Egypt and propose the best and easiest solutions to overcome them. Tomorrow sat 26/7 at 10:05 on Al Sharq AlAwsat radio station, 89.5FM
Tuesday, 20 May 2014 20:51

IG Zamalek - Students' Art Exhibition 8th of May 2014 Featured

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Tuesday, 20 May 2014 20:43

Pre IG Zamalek - Best Achievers Years 7. May 2014 Featured

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Our sincere congratulations to our students who were awarded “Best Achievers 2014” in Cambridge May 2014 examination series.

We are so proud of you.

Saturday, 10 May 2014 19:23

PreIG Zamalek@Gezira Art Center Featured

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PreIG Agouza - PreIG Zamalek@Gezira Art Center
The joint arts workshop exhibition between Dar El Tarbiah IG Zamalek and The sector for plastic arts - Al Gezira arts center on the 11 of May 2014 . At 7.00 P.M.
Monday, 07 April 2014 20:34

Pre IG Zamalek - African Cup Gymnastics Championship 2014 Featured

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Egypt'junior team in artistic gymnastics won the gold medal in the African cup gymnastics championship that was held in South Africa .Our lovely students Salma Hisham and Farida Walid Grade 9 are members in the team . Salna Hisham won the gold medal for best team and bronze medal in uneven bars , Farida Walid won the gold medal in uneven bars and the bronze medal for the individual play .On the behalf of Dr Nawal El Degwi and Dr Mona El Degwi we would like to congratulate our champions Salma and Farida ,we are all proud of you.

We are so proud of you.

Sunday, 06 April 2014 20:26

Pre IG Zamalek - Best Achievers Years 7, 8 & 9 Featured

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Our sincere congratulations to our students who were awarded “Best Achievers 2014” in Cambridge A-Level physics in April 2014 examination series.

We are so proud of you.

Friday, 04 April 2014 20:37

Pre IG Zamalek - Orphan Day April 2014 Featured

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Under the auspices of Dr Nawal El Degwi and Dr Mona El Degwi ,Dar El Tarbiya Pre IG Zamalek celebrated the orphan's day on the school campus with forty orphans whom we really enjoyed being among them all day . From the bottom of our hearts we do all here thank LEBALADNA charitable organization for supporting this wonderful day ,Mrs Nagwa and her adorable team God bless them for all the good they share in.

We are so proud of you.

Sunday, 09 March 2014 21:50

British Council Egypt - informal feedback meeting! Featured

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British Council Egypt organized an informal feedback meeting with Simon Higgins - CIE Regional Director ( Cambridge International Examinations ); Victoria Clark - CIE Deputy Country Exams Manager; Magda Mohyeldin - Regional Business Development Manager; and members from leading schools across Egypt.

The meeting was held on Thursday March 6th, at the British Council Cairo.

Saturday, 08 March 2014 21:56

IG Zamalek - A* Students. Jun 2014 Featured

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A* Students. January 2014 Session

We are so proud of you.

Thursday, 06 March 2014 22:24

IG Zamalek - Jan 2014 Results Featured

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Sunday, 16 February 2014 19:04

IG Agouza - New App. for 2014 - 2015 Featured

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IG Agouza - New Application for 2014 - 2015
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